Software Engineer
Hey, welcome to my portfolio. My name's Fillip and I'm a Software Engineer based in the UK. Below you'll find the personal projects that I believe are the most interesting and best showcase my skills.
In case you're interested, this website is hosted on Github and custom-made with tailwindcss
An exercise in setting up a nodejs application the 'proper' way with AWS, Docker, and more. The actual application is a simple discord bot.
- Hosted on AWS
- Uses Github Actions to redeploy
- Local development with Docker
Android news aggregator app. Supports accounts and sending notifications when new articles are available that match a users interests.
- Dependency injection
- Jetpack Compose
- Material3
An interactive map for coronavirus travel restrictions. Users choose their country and the map will show what other countries are open to them.
- Was live for ~1 year
A program written in Java to take CT scan data (3D matrix of integer values) and provide several ways to render them.
- Diffuse shading with moving light source
- Volume rendering
- Slice rendering
A 2D physics puzzle game made in Unity for a competition, winning 2nd place. Created in a two-person team, where my main responsibility was the programming
- Large project that took six months to finish